“Setting the Table: Descendant Communities, Institutions, and Engagement Toward Possible Futures”


Thursday, April 20, 2023, 7:00pm to 8:30pm


Harvard Commons, Smith Campus Center

The Harvard & Legacy of Slavery Memorialization Committee invite you to explore the complexity of history and memory, and the role communities play in helping institutions reckon with the past in the present. This first installment in a series of programs focuses on the change-agents and descendant community voices shaping the future of this work at James Madison’s Montpelier. To set the table and anchor this important dialogue, a framing introduction will be provided by FAS Chief Campus Curator Brenda Tindal, and AAAS Professor Vincent Brown will serve as moderator.

This conversation is hosted by Harvard Common Spaces, and is part of ArtsThursdays, a university-wide initiative supported by the Harvard University Committee on the Arts.

For more information visit the event website.