Alexis Logan

Alexis Logan

Joint Concentration:
African American Studies
Alexis Logan
Alexis Logan (she/her) is a sophomore living in Winthrop pursuing a joint concentration in Sociology and African American studies. During her time at Harvard, Alexis has served as one of the inclusivity chairs for the Black Students Association and worked to create a safe space for all people within the Black community. Alexis currently works as a BGLTQ+ intern at Harvard’s BGLTQ+ office. By heading projects such as the Queer Advisory Council and ensuring that Black Queer identities are highlighted, Alexis has engrossed herself in diversity-based work throughout her education. In addition to this, she has prioritized art throughout her life by engaging in activities such as being a classically trained violinist and violist and working at the Mehari Sequar Gallery: a Black-owned art gallery.